Thursday, June 27, 2013

Useful Regular Expressions

Credit Card


American Express
American Express
American Express Corporate
Australian BankCard
Diners Club
Diners Club
Processor-specific Cards
Dankort (PBS)
Dankort (PBS)
Switch/Solo (Paymentech)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

TCP Header Format

TCP Header Format

TCP segments are sent as internet datagrams. The Internet Protocol header carries several information fields, including the source and destination host addresses [2]. A TCP header follows the internet header, supplying information specific to the TCP protocol. This division allows for the existence of host level protocols other than TCP.
TCP Header Format
    0                   1                   2                   3   
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |          Source Port          |       Destination Port        |
   |                        Sequence Number                        |
   |                    Acknowledgment Number                      |
   |  Data |           |U|A|P|R|S|F|                               |
   | Offset| Reserved  |R|C|S|S|Y|I|            Window             |
   |       |           |G|K|H|T|N|N|                               |
   |           Checksum            |         Urgent Pointer        |
   |                    Options                    |    Padding    |
   |                             data                              |

                            TCP Header Format

          Note that one tick mark represents one bit position.

                               Figure 3.
Source Port: 16 bits
    The source port number.
Destination Port: 16 bits
    The destination port number.
Sequence Number: 32 bits
    The sequence number of the first data octet in this segment (except
    when SYN is present). If SYN is present the sequence number is the
    initial sequence number (ISN) and the first data octet is ISN+1.
Acknowledgment Number: 32 bits
    If the ACK control bit is set this field contains the value of the
    next sequence number the sender of the segment is expecting to
    receive.  Once a connection is established this is always sent.
Data Offset: 4 bits
    The number of 32 bit words in the TCP Header.  This indicates where
    the data begins.  The TCP header (even one including options) is an
    integral number of 32 bits long.
Reserved: 6 bits
    Reserved for future use.  Must be zero.
Control Bits: 6 bits (from left to right):
    URG:  Urgent Pointer field significant
    ACK:  Acknowledgment field significant
    PSH:  Push Function
    RST:  Reset the connection
    SYN:  Synchronize sequence numbers
    FIN:  No more data from sender
Window: 16 bits
    The number of data octets beginning with the one indicated in the
    acknowledgment field which the sender of this segment is willing to
Checksum: 16 bits
    The checksum field is the 16 bit one's complement of the one's
    complement sum of all 16 bit words in the header and text.  If a
    segment contains an odd number of header and text octets to be
    checksummed, the last octet is padded on the right with zeros to
    form a 16 bit word for checksum purposes.  The pad is not
    transmitted as part of the segment.  While computing the checksum,
    the checksum field itself is replaced with zeros.

    The checksum also covers a 96 bit pseudo header conceptually
    prefixed to the TCP header.  This pseudo header contains the Source
    Address, the Destination Address, the Protocol, and TCP length.
    This gives the TCP protection against misrouted segments.  This
    information is carried in the Internet Protocol and is transferred
    across the TCP/Network interface in the arguments or results of
    calls by the TCP on the IP.

                     |           Source Address          |
                     |         Destination Address       |
                     |  zero  |  PTCL  |    TCP Length   |

      The TCP Length is the TCP header length plus the data length in
      octets (this is not an explicitly transmitted quantity, but is
      computed), and it does not count the 12 octets of the pseudo
Urgent Pointer: 16 bits
    This field communicates the current value of the urgent pointer as a
    positive offset from the sequence number in this segment.  The
    urgent pointer points to the sequence number of the octet following
    the urgent data.  This field is only be interpreted in segments with
    the URG control bit set.
Options: variable
    Options may occupy space at the end of the TCP header and are a
    multiple of 8 bits in length.  All options are included in the
    checksum.  An option may begin on any octet boundary.  There are two
    cases for the format of an option:

      Case 1:  A single octet of option-kind.

      Case 2:  An octet of option-kind, an octet of option-length, and
               the actual option-data octets.

    The option-length counts the two octets of option-kind and
    option-length as well as the option-data octets.

    Note that the list of options may be shorter than the data offset
    field might imply.  The content of the header beyond the
    End-of-Option option must be header padding (i.e., zero).

    A TCP must implement all options.
    Currently defined options include (kind indicated in octal):

      Kind     Length    Meaning
      ----     ------    -------
       0         -       End of option list.
       1         -       No-Operation.
       2         4       Maximum Segment Size.

    Specific Option Definitions

      End of Option List


        This option code indicates the end of the option list.  This
        might not coincide with the end of the TCP header according to
        the Data Offset field.  This is used at the end of all options,
        not the end of each option, and need only be used if the end of
        the options would not otherwise coincide with the end of the TCP



        This option code may be used between options, for example, to
        align the beginning of a subsequent option on a word boundary.
        There is no guarantee that senders will use this option, so
        receivers must be prepared to process options even if they do
        not begin on a word boundary.

      Maximum Segment Size

        |00000010|00000100|   max seg size   |
         Kind=2   Length=4

        Maximum Segment Size Option Data:  16 bits

          If this option is present, then it communicates the maximum
          receive segment size at the TCP which sends this segment.
          This field must only be sent in the initial connection request
          (i.e., in segments with the SYN control bit set).  If this
          option is not used, any segment size is allowed.
Padding: variable
    The TCP header padding is used to ensure that the TCP header ends
    and data begins on a 32 bit boundary.  The padding is composed of

Saturday, June 15, 2013


My CoinBase Referral

Bitcoin Charts

Thursday, June 6, 2013

SMTP MTA Performance Tool



 date '+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z'
 Thu, 06 Jun 2013 12:21:18 -0700  
[user@host]# telnet 25
Connected to (
Escape character is '^]'.
250 sender <> ok
250 recipient <> ok
354 go ahead
From: [Alice Hacker] <>
To: [Bob Smith] <>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 14:21:26 -0400
Subject: Test Message

Hi there!
This is supposed to be a real email...

Have a good day!

250 ok:  Message 222220902 accepted
Connection closed by foreign host.
  [admin@sec-emps62 ~]# cat
  sleep 2;
  echo 'helo';
  sleep 2;
  echo 'MAIL FROM:<>';
  sleep 2;
  echo 'RCPT TO: <>';
  sleep 2;
  echo 'DATA';
  sleep 2;
  echo -e '\nMIME-Version: 1.0 (mime-construct 1.9)\nContent-Type: application/zip\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n';
  dd if=/dev/urandom bs=4 count=10 2>/dev/null | openssl base64;
  echo '.';
 } | telnet 25
    /usr/bin/nc 25 < /tmp/message
MAIL From:<> SIZE=300981
RCPT To:<>


Test Network Performance

Start Server
    -s (start the “server” which will receive the data)
    -w 32768 (change the TCP window size to 32 KB, default is a bit low 8 KB)
    The tool will listen on TCP port 5001 at default.

    iperf -s -w 32768

Start Client
    -c IP-ADDRESS (the IP address to the other computer)
    -w 32768 (to raise the TCP window size)
    -t SECONDS (the number of seconds to send data)
    -P 8 (the number of alternate streams to increase throughput, must be uppercase P)

    iperf -c IP -P 8 -t 30 -w 32768 {-d}

     If you want to test the full duplex network performance, that is, transmitting and receiving at the same time, just add the -d option at the client.


♣ Gigabit Bandwidth ♣

The bandwidth on a Gigabit Ethernet network is defined that a node could send 1 000 000 000 bits each second, that is one billion 1 or 0s every second. Bits are most often combined into bytes and since eight bits make up one byte this will give the possibility to transfer 125 000 000 bytes per second (1000000000 / 8).

Unfortunately not all of these 125000000 bytes/second can be used to send data as we have multiple layers of overhead. As you may be aware of, the data transferred over a Ethernet based network must be divided into “frames”. The size of these frames regulates the maximum number of bytes to send together. The maximum frame size for Ethernet has been 1518 byte for the last 25 years or more.

Each frame will cause some overhead, both inside the frame but less known also on the “outside”. Before each frame is sent there is certain combination of bits that must be transmitted, called the Preamble, which basically signals to the receiver that a frame is coming right behind it. The preamble is 8 bytes and is sent just before each and every frame.
When the main body of the frame (1518 byte) has been transferred we might want to send another one. Since we are not using the old CSMA/CD access method (used only for half duplex) we do not have to “sense the cable” to see if it is free – which would cost time, but the Ethernet standard defines that for full duplex transmissions there has to be a certain amount of idle bytes before next frame is sent onto the wire.

This is called the Interframe Gap and is 12 bytes long. So between all frames we have to leave at least 12 bytes “empty” to give the receiver side the time needed to prepare for the next incoming frame.
This will mean that each frame actually uses:
12 empty bytes of Interframe Gap + 1518 bytes of frame data + 8 bytes of preamble = 1538
This makes that each frame actually consumes 1538 bytes of bandwidth and if we remember that we had “time slots” for sending 125000000 bytes each second this will allow space for 81274 frames per second. (125000000 / 1538)

So on default Gigabit Ethernet we can transmit over 81000 full size frames each second, a quite impressive number. Since we are running full duplex we could at the same time receive 81000 frames too!
We shall continue to study the overhead for this. So for each frame, we lose 12 + 8 bytes used for Interframe Gap and Preamble, which could be considered to be “outside” of the frame, but could we use the rest to send our actual data? No, there is some more overhead that will be going on.

The first 14 byte of the frame will be used for the Ethernet header and the last 4 bytes will contain a checksum trying to detect transfer errors. This uses the CRC32 checksum algorithm and is called the Frame Check Sequence (FCS).
This means that we lose a total of 18 bytes in overhead for the Ethernet header in the beginning and the checksum at the end. (The blue parts above could be seen as something like a “frame” around the data carried inside.) The number of bytes left is called the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) and will be 1500 bytes on default Ethernet. MTU is the payload that could be carried inside an Ethernet frame, see picture above. It is a common misunderstanding that MTU is the frame size, but really is the data inside the frame only.

Just behind the Ethernet header we will most likely find the IP header. If using ordinary IPv4 this header will be 20 bytes long. And behind the IP header we will also most likely find the TCP header, which have the same length of 20 bytes. The amount of data that could be transferred in each TCP segment is called the Maximum Segment Size (MSS) and is typically 1460 bytes.

So the Ethernet header and checksum plus the IP and TCP headers will together add 58 bytes to the overhead. Adding the Interframe Gap and the Preamble gives 20 more. So for each 1460 bytes of data sent we have a minimum of 78 extra bytes handling the transfer at different layers. All of these are very important, but does cause an overhead at the same time.

As noted in the beginning of this article we had the possibility to send 125000000 bytes/second on Gigabit Ethernet. When each frame consumes 1538 byte of bandwidth that gave us 81274 frames/second (125000000 / 1538). If each frame carries a maximum of 1460 bytes of user data this means that we could transfer 118660598 data bytes per second (81274 frames x 1460 byte of data), i.e. around 118 MB/s.

This means that when using default Ethernet frame size of 1518 byte (MTU = 1500) we have an efficiency of around 94% (118660598 / 125000000), meaning that the other 6% is used for the protocols at various layer, which we could call overhead.

If enabling so called Jumbo Frames on all equipment, we could have a potential increase in the actual bandwidth used for our data. Let us look at that.

A commonly used MTU value for Jumbo Frames is 9000. First we would have to add the overhead for Ethernet (14+4 bytes), Preamble (8 bytes) and Interframe Gap (12 bytes). This makes will make the frame consume 9038 bytes of bandwidth and from the total amount of 125000000 bytes available to send each second we will have a total of 13830 jumbo frames (125000000 / 9038). So a lot less frames than the 81000 normal sized frames, but we will be able to carry more data inside each of the frames and by that reduce the network overhead.

(There are also other types of overhead, like CPU time in hosts and the work done at network interface cards, switches and routers, but in this article we will only look at the bandwidth usage.)

If we remove the overhead for Interframe Gap, Ethernet CRC, TCP, IP, Ethernet header and the Preamble we would end up with 8960 bytes of data inside each TCP segment. This means that the Maximum Segment Size, the MSS, is 8960 byte and is a lot larger than default 1460 byte. A MSS of 8960 multiplied with 13830 (number of frames) gives 123916800 bytes for user data.

This will give us a really great efficiency, of 99% (123916800 / 125000000). So by increasing the frame size we would have almost five percent more bandwidth available for data, compared to about 94% for default frame size.

Conclusion: Default Gigabit Ethernet has an impressive number of frames (about 81000 per second) possible and a high throughput for actual data (about 118 MB/s). By increasing the MTU to 9000 we could deliver even more data on the same bandwidth, up to 123 MB/s, thanks to the decreased amount of overhead due to a lower number of frames. Jumbo Frames could use the whole of 99% of Gigabit Ethernet bandwidth to carry our data.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Malware Detection

Malware Type:
Botnets, viruses, worms, Trojan horses, logic bombs, rootkits, bootkits, backdoors, spyware, adware, ransomware ...

Malware Symptoms:
  • Increased CPU usage
  • Slow computer or web browser speeds
  • Problems connecting to networks
  • Freezing or crashing
  • Modified or deleted files
  • Appearance of strange files, programs, or desktop icons
  • Programs running, turning off, or reconfiguring themselves (malware will often reconfigure or turn off antivirus and firewall programs)
  • Strange computer behavior
  • Emails/messages being sent automatically and without user’s knowledge (a friend receives a strange email from you that you did not send)